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Monday, 20 February 2023

Eye Blink Counter using RaspberryPi Pico | Anti Sleep Glasses For Driver Drowsiness Detection System

 Eye Blink Counter using Raspberry Pi Pico | Anti Sleep Glasses For Driver Drowsiness Detection System | Accident Prevention | OpenCV Python | Computer Vision | Drowsy Driver Detection | Anti Sleep Glasses For Drivers || Eye Blink Sensor || Drowsiness Detection System | A WOW project with Eye blink sensor and Arduino | Arduino Project | Inspire Award Project | Anti Sleep Alarm for Drivers | innovative ideas | Road safety.

*********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects 
151 Projects 
103 Projects 
61 Projects 
171 Projects 
170 Projects 
67 Projects 
55 Projects 
43 Projects 
900+ Projects
*********************************************************** 1. Eye Blink Detection While Driving Car for Accident Prevention, 2. Eye Blink Counter using OpenCV Python | Computer Vision, 3. How to Make a Drowsy Driver Detection, 4. Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection Using MEMS, GSM, GPS & Cortex M3, 5. Inspire Award Project | Third Eye for Blind, 6. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, Speed sensors, GSM & GPS, 7. IOT Project: A WEB BASED ACCIDENT REPORTING AND TRACKING SYSTEM, 8. Anti Sleep Glasses For Drivers || Eye Blink Sensor || Drowsiness Detection System, 9. Vehicle Accident Prevention Using Eye Blink, Alcohol, MEMS and Obstacle Sensors, 10. Inspire Award Project | Anti sleep alarm for drivers | innovative ideas, 11. Eye Blink + Alcohol + MEMS + TEMPERATURE + Arduino uno + GSM + GPS + Google Map Location, 12. Eye Blink detection with Raspberry Pi2 + and opencv, 13. Eye blink detection using Rasoberrypi IESL-UTE_2017, 14. How to make a Drowsy Driver Alert System, 15. VEHICLE ACCIDENT DETECTION USING MEMS SENSOR AND RASPBERRY PI, 16. Doll Blinking Eyes using Arduino UNO Board, 17. Vehicle Accident Alert System using Eye blink sensor in Telugu, 18. Eye blink sensor without using Arduino ||Anti-Sleep glasses for drivers, 19. eye blink detection with Arduino, 20. Driver Drowsiness Detection using Raspberry Pi with Open CV and Python, 21. Eye Blink Detection (Hai - Hoa), 22. LED on arduino blinks with eye By EOG Detection, 23. Computer Vision Project | Eye Blink Detection | Python OpenCV Project | Without Machine Learning, 24. EYE BLINK DETECTION SYSTEM USING 8051 MICROCONTROLLER, 25. Engineering students with Eye Blink sensor for accident prevention, 26. Drowsy driver detection prototype application Using Keil and Proteus simulation, 27. Eye-blink Detector (opencv and python), 28. Vehicle Accident Prevention for Automobiles with Eyeblink, Alcohol, Mems, Vibration - Obstacle senor, 29. OpenCV Based Eye Blink Task Management System for Paralyzed Patients, 30. Eye blink detection - OpenCV – Python, 31. Eye Blink Sensor- Major Project for engineering Final Year- Project link & PDF in Description box, 32. Anti Eye blink sensor with Arduino, 33. Arduino basic tutorial blinking example and IR sensor, 34. Vehicle/train Accident Prevention Using Eye Blink | KIET GHAZIABAD | ARDUINO, 35. The Eye blink sensor, 36. Raspberry Pi Based Eye Blink Detection & Image Capture for drowsy driver, 37. Implementation of a Speed Control and Accident Avoidance Of vehicle using Multi Sensors with Arduino, 38. Tech Projects Eye bink Sensor goggles Using ARduino UNO & IR Sensor, 39. Eyes blink detection, 40. Real Time Drowsiness Detection System For Vehicle Using Eyeblink Sensor, 41. Eye Blink Detection using Python, 42. Eyeblink accident detector, 43. Student Project - Third Eye for the blind using Arduino and Ultrasonic sensors, 44. Android Project | Eye Blink Detector android app | college project, 45. home appliance control by eye blink sensor,

Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) + Temperature Monitor + Digital Alarm Clock

 Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) + Temperature Monitor + Digital Alarm Clock | arduino real time clock ds3231 with i2c lcd display | arduino ds3231 example | real time clock arduino code | arduino real time clock ds1302 | ds3231 arduino projects | real time clock module.

****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock Tutorial, 2. Arduino Project: Real time clock (RTC) and temperature monitor using the DS3231 module, 3. Arduino DS3231 Real Time Clock and LCD Display, 4. Arduino desde cero en Español - Capítulo 38 - Reloj de Tiempo Real (RTC) DS3231 bus I2C, 5. Arduino Real Time Clock - Using the Tiny RTC, 6. Arduino Project: Real time clock DS3231 and 1.8 Color TFT display ST7735, 7. Arduino Turn on / off anything at a specific time (Trigger a Relay with DS3231 RTC), 8. Arduino Relay Trigger at specific time | DS3231 RTC Module, 9. Arduino Project: Plotclock with a DS3231 Real Time Clock and an Arduino UNO., 10. DS3231 Real Time Clock + Temperature Sensing using Arduino, 11. Getting Started With DS3231 RTC Module, 12. Módulos para Arduino - Vídeo 14 - RTC DS1307 e DS3231, 13. Digital clock with Arduino, 128x64 LCD display and RTC module DS3231, 14. Arduino time without a RTC, 15. Display Date Time and Temperature using DS3231 RTC and I2C LCD, 16. How to use DS3231 RTC clock module Alarm with Arduino, 17. Arduino - OLED Clock v2.0, 18. Real Time Clock: Setting the Date/Time with Arduino, 19. Arduino: DS3231 Real time Clock RTC Module, 20. Arduino Real Time 6 Digit Digital Clock using 2.3" 7 segment display with RTC ds1307, 21. Clock and calendar using Arduino due internal RTC and I2C LCD display, 22. How to set DS3231 Real time clock module for Arduino, 23. Arduino + DS3231 real time clock with alarms and temperature monitor, 24. Very LOW Power Arduino - Precise Time Interval Wakeup- using an RTC, 25. -5 Arduino compatible Real Time Clock modules (RTC) - DS1307 & DS3231, 26. Build Seven Segment LED clock with Arduino and DS3231 – Robojax, 27. Arduino Real Time Clock project with a DS3231 module, 28. How To Make Arduino Clock Using DS3231 RTC Module, 29. How to Make Arduino Based Digital Alarm Clock, 30. Real Time Clock with Arduino| DS3231 Module, 31. Lesson 19 – DS3231 RTC Module, 32. RTC (Real Time Clock) with Arduino - Low Cost MCP7940N, 33. Arduino And DS3231 RTC Clock Module, 34. EASY Arduino Alarm Clock based on DS1302 RTC, 35. Real Time Clock con Arduino e DS1307, 36. How to make Real Time Clock With Alarm using Arduino and RTC DS3231, 37. Setting a Real Time Clock (RTC) with an Arduino Pro Micro, 38. Real Time Clock - Modulo RTC DS3231 - Configuracion y Programacion, 39. DS1302 RTC with arduino tutorial, 40. Arduino Code: 4-Digit Clock Display (TM1637) + (DS3231) 7 Segment LEDs, 41. Arduino Alarm Clock Using a Real Time Clock and LCD Screen, 42. All about the DS3231, 43. DIY Word Clock - 3D Printed - (Arduino Nano, RTC DS3231 and Adafruit Neopixel), 44. TUTORIAL: How to wire up & code an RTC - Real Time Clock - Arduino (Module), 45. How To Wake Up Arduino From RTC Alarm Interrupt, 46. 12/24 Hour 6 Digit Led Digital Clock with RTC Module, Make in PCB and zero PCB Details Video (Hindi), 47. NodeMCU ESP8266 with DS3231 Real Time Clock Module, 48. Raspberry Pi 3 DS3231 RTC Install - Part -1, 49. How to setup RTC DS1302 with Keypad + LCD + Arduino, 50. Arduino Digital Clock on DS3231 RTC and TFT 2.2 LCD DIY, 51. Arduino & Max7219 LED Matrix Clock With RTC DS3231, 52. DS 3231 RTC | Disable Battery Charging circuit | RTC module hack, 53. Arduino real time clock and temperature monitor using DS3231 and SSD1306 OLED, 54. Desk Weather Station (Arduino+DHT11+BMP280+DS3231), 55. Arduino Home Automation. Arduino UNO Real Time Clock (RTC) DS3231 controlled Relays, 56. RELÓGIO COM RTC DS3231 | Curso de Arduino -094, 57. Arduino Digital Clock + Alarm + Thermometer dengan DS3231 dan LCD 1602 i2C, 58. TUTORIAL ON REAL TIME CLOCK USING DS3231, MAX7219 LED 8X32 DOT MATRIX & ARDUINO NANO, 59. Arduino - Real Time Clock (RTC) Alarm, 60. DS1307 Real time clock simulation with Arduino, 61. ARDUINO - RTC (Real Time Clock), 62. Adding Real Time Clock Module to Raspberry Pi 3, 63. DS1307 RTC Module with Arduino-Real Time Clock, 64. Real time clock using Arduino and DS3231 - Proteus simulation, 65. Arduino Real Time Clock DS3231 with I2C LCD Display - Simple Sketch, 66. Time Attendance System with RFID Using Arduino ,SD card module and real time clock.,

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Smart Garbage Level Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IOT)

 Smart Garbage Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IOT) | IOT Garbage Monitoring System | IOT Garbage Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi Pico | IOT Based Dumpster Monitoring using Arduino & ESP8266 | Smart Waste Bin - Raspberry PI Projects | An IOT Based Garbage Level Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi Pico.

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M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. design of a smart monitoring system for waste management, 2. garbage monitoring system ppt, 3. garbage monitoring system using arduino pdf, 4. garbage monitoring system using iot, 5. introduction of iot based garbage monitoring system, 6. iot based garbage monitoring system block diagram, 7. iot based garbage monitoring system pdf, 8. iot based garbage monitoring system ppt, 9. iot based garbage monitoring system project report pdf, 10. iot based garbage monitoring system research paper, 11. iot based garbage monitoring system using arduino ppt, 12. iot based garbage monitoring system using arduino project report, 13. iot based garbage monitoring system using nodemcu, 14. iot based project report pdf, 15. iot based smart garbage monitoring and alert system using arduino uno, 16. iot based smart waste management system using arduino ppt, 17. iot based solid waste management system ppt, 18. iot garbage monitoring system using arduino, 19. methodology for garbage monitoring system, 20. smart dustbin project report pdf, 21. smart garbage monitoring system - ieee paper, 22. smart garbage monitoring system documentation, 23. smart garbage monitoring system ppt, 24. smart garbage monitoring system project report, 25. smart garbage monitoring system research paper, 26. smart garbage monitoring system using arduino uno code, 27. smart garbage monitoring system using blynk, 28. smart garbage monitoring system using internet of things (iot), 29. smart garbage monitoring system using iot pdf, 30. smart garbage monitoring system using iot ppt, 31. smart garbage monitoring system using iot report, 32. smart garbage monitoring system using iot slideshare, 33. smart garbage monitoring system using nodemcu, 34. solid waste management in smart cities ppt,

ARDUINO | Traffic Light 6 Lanes | Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency

 ARDUINO | Traffic Light 6 Lanes | Emergency Vehicles | 4 way traffic light controller using arduino uno code | arduino based traffic light control system for emergency vehicles using radio frequency | 3-way traffic light controller using arduino pdf | density based traffic light control system project report | traffic light priority control for emergency vehicles ppt | smart traffic lighting system mini project | smart traffic light control system for emergency ambulance | density based traffic control system using arduino

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M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Ambulance rams bike riders at traffic signal, 2. Ambulance Sensing And Traffic Signals Change System, 3. AN ALERT TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM GIVING ACCESS TO AMBULANCE TO PASS THROUGH ROAD JUNCTION, 4. Arduino Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Radio Frequency, 5. Automatic traffic light controller | Ambulance Passage using Arduino (latest Project 2020), 6. Density Based Traffic Controller for 3 Lane, 7. Density based traffic signal Control and Prioritize based Ambulance, 8. Density based Traffic Signals, 9. Density based Traffic signals Based Image Processing and Ambulance Clearance using Zigbee, 10. Density based Traffic signals controlling using PIC Microcontroller, 11. Density based Traffic Signals Proteus simulation Model, 12. Density based Traffic signals with Ambulance clearance, 13. Design Circuit for Traffic light controller and develop assembly language program to con, 14. Enhanced Traffic Clearance for Ambulance - MHRD Submission, 15. Implementing Intelligent Traf-c Control System for Congestion Control, Ambulance Clearance, and Stol, 16. Implementing Intelligent Traffic Control System for Congestion Control, Ambulance Clearance, 17. IMPLEMENTING INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR CONGESTION CONTROL, AMBULANCE CLEARANCE,AND STOL, 18. Innovative Congestion Control System for Ambulance Using Zigbee and Density based Traffic signals, 19. Intelligent Ambulance with Automatic Traffic Control Project - e-careerpluz | -TrafficSignal, 20. intelligent traffic light control for ambulance, 21. Intelligent Traffic Light Controller for Ambulance, 22. Intelligent traffic light with ambulance rescue system, 23. Introduction to Arduino IDE and 4 Lane traffic control system, 24. IoT Based Traffic Light Control System for Emergency Vehicles Using Blynk app, 25. Lecture 08 Traffic Signal Design, 26. My California Traffic Light Intersection (Signals in Designated Lanes), 27. New lanes, new traffic signal in the works for section of CR 210, 28. RFID Based Smart Traffic Signal for Ambulance -arduino -traffic –signal, 29. SIMULASI ARDUINO UNO | Traffic Light 4 Lanes | Proteus 8, 30. Single lane traffic light Control System, 31. Smart Ambulance System for COVID 19 Patients with Traffic signals Ambulance clearance, 32. Smart ambulance with intelligence traffic signals|| -iot-smartambulance, 33. Smart Ambulance with Intelligent Traffic Control System, 34. Smart Ambulance With Traffic Control, 35. Smart emergency traffic// ambulance project // when ambulance is came traffic signal is green, 36. Smart Emergency vehicles and Smart Traffic system Mad Angles_ECE_SNSCT -SNSCT -leo –designThinkers, 37. Smart Traffic Clearance System for Ambulance- Greenway Modern School, 38. Solar powered IOT Street light Controlling Using Blynk app and Density based Traffic Signals, 39. Traffic congestion control with ambulance clearance, 40. Traffic intersection with traffic lights, 41. Traffic light control system for Ambulance, 42. Traffic Light Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico For Emergency Vehicles, 43. Traffic Light Priority Control For Emergency Vehicle, 44. Traffic priority control for ambulance clearance, 45. Traffic Signal - 4 Phases, 46. Traffic Simulation Vissim - 500 cars/h - 4 Lanes, 47. Two Way Traffic Light System, 48. VHDL Project : Four way, Four lane, Indian rules based Traffic Light controller Simulation,

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Bus Identification System for Blind with Voice Alert in Bus Stops Using RFID

 Raspberry Pi Pico Based Bus Identification System for Blind with Voice Announcement System in Bus Stops Using RFID Application.

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M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Implementation Of RFID For Blind Bus Boarding System, 2. Bus Stop Reminder For Blind Person Using Rfid In Arduino Uno, 3. RFID Based Bus Name Announcement System in Bus Stops, 4. Bus Detection Device for the Blind Using RFID Application, 5. GPS Based Voice - Vibration Alert System for the Blind using ARM7 LPC2148, 6. VOICE BASED LOCATION IDENTIFICATION USING GPS FOR BLIND PEOPLE USING ARM7, 7. RFID Based Bus Name Announcement System in Bus Stops, 8. RFID BASED BLIND PEOPLE NAVIGATION FOR EASY TRANSPORTATION VEL TECH, 9. RFID System for Blind People, 10. Bus detection system for blind people using RFID, 11. Bus Boarding System for Visually Impaired Passengers, 12. QR Code Based Bus Name Announcement System in Bus Stops | ESP32CAM QR Code Recognition, 13. Bus detection system for blind people using RFID || 2021 IEEE Projects, 14. Bus Identification system for visually impaired(Blind person) using GSM and GPS technogy, 15. Field Test of Bus Detection Device for Blind, 16. VOICE BASED NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED USING RFID AND ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY, 17. Arduino Uno r3 ATmega328 based bus identification system using RFID tags, 18. AUTOMATED BUS SYSTEM USING RFID, 19. TIIC IDC 2015 94 public vehicle access system for visually impaired using nfc application, 20. Bus Detection System for Blind People Using RFID, 21. BUS IDENTIFICATION DEVICE FOR BLIND PERSON, 22. Bus Identification System for Blinds | Arduino Based Projects, 23. Blind World: Dev Video - Tutorial System, 24. Bus Detection Device for Blind | MUFA TECH SOLUTIONS, 25. bus identification device for blind people., 26. Bus Identification System for blind with voice based on RFID, 27. BUS NUMBER ANNOUNCEMENT AND IDENTIFICATION FOR BLIND PEOPLE, 28. RFID BASED BLIND PEOPLE NAVIGATION FOR EASY TRANSPORTATION, 29. Bus Identification for Visually Impaired Person using Zigbee (hc12 rf4ce PAN),

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Manual / Registered Number Call | SMS Alerts

 Raspberry Pi Pico Based Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Manual / Registered Number Call with SMS Alerts | SIM800L Relay Control Manual Turn ON & OFF Water Pump | Manual / Automatic Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Cellphone Missed Calls and Arduino | GSM RELAY Control from Registered Number Call

*********************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Working Project KIT Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements
M1: +91 9491535690  M2: +91 7842358459 We Will Send Working Model Project KIT through DTDC / DHL / Blue Dart / First Flight Courier Service We Will Provide Project Soft Data through Google Drive 1. Project Abstract / Synopsis 2. Project Related Datasheets of Each Component 3. Project Sample Report / Documentation 4. Project Kit Circuit / Schematic Diagram 5. Project Kit Working Software Code 6. Project Related Software Compilers 7. Project Related Sample PPT’s 8. Project Kit Photos 9. Project Kit Working Video links Latest Projects with Year Wise YouTube video Links 135 Projects 
151 Projects 
103 Projects 
61 Projects 
171 Projects 
170 Projects 
67 Projects 
55 Projects 
43 Projects 
900+ Projects
*********************************************************** 1. SIM800L Relay Control Manual Turn ON & OFF Water Pump, 2. Manual / Automatic Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Cellphone Missed Calls and Arduino, 3. GSM RELAY Control from Registered Number Call, 4. On & off Water Pump Using Missed Calls, 5. Arduino Sim800l Relay Control with SMS | Control Home Appliances with Arduino and Sim800l, 6. GSM BASED RELAY CONTROL NEW VERSION WITH DTMF, 7. How to on & off Water Pump Using Missed Calls | GSM Based Motor Control, 8. GSM RELAY Control from Registered Number Call, 9. How to make DTMF Phone Call Control Home Appliance Using Arduino and GSM Module | GSM DTMF Project, 10. SIM800L Blynk | How to Control Relay with Sim800L and Blynk App, 11. GSM Based Home Automation | Sim800L MIT App Inventor Relay Control, 12. Simple setup of 2CH GSM relay module bought on Aliexpress, eBay or Amazon, 13. Arduino GSM Sim 800L Relay control ON/OFF By calling || GSM Sim 800L incoming call control device, 14. SiM800L Relay Control With Arduino IR Remote and Push Buttons | GSM Based Home Automation, 15. GSM CONTROL RELAY SWITCH - DTMF NEW VERSION, 16. Arduino SIM800L Relay Control with SMS | SIM800L Register Phone Number by SMS, 17. 3 Phase Motor Stater | GSM Based 3 Phase Motor Control, 18. Registrasi Number with SMS to SIM800 arduino ESP32, 19. Sim800L MIT App Inventor Relay Control | GSM Based Home Automation | Part 2, 20. SIM800L Push Button + SMS + DTMF Controlled home Automation | Arduino Sim800l Relay Control with SMS, 21. DTMF | Arduino SIM800L Relay Control with SMS | SIM800L Register Phone Number by SMS, 22. Manual / Automatic Turn ON & OFF Water Pump Using Cellphone Missed Calls and Arduino, 23. WiLARM FiVE GSM module unpacking, 24. GSM BASED REGISTER MOBILE NUMBER RELAY CONTROL, 25. GSM Sim800L control Device by calling from Registered mobile number || Teach Me Something, 26. How to setup GSM relay controller or CL1 GSM controller,